(NORMAL, ILL.) — The Central Illinois Soccer Academy, in collaboration with Illinois State Soccer, are hosting a Women’s Soccer Elite ID Clinic at Illinois State University’s Adelaide Street Field.
The clinic, on Sunday, May 19th, is for prospective student-athletes from 8th grade and up interested in elite level training.
Led by new Illinois State Soccer Head Coach Raleigh DeRose-Tallman, the clinic will include a competitive training environment, and provide one-on-one interactions with coaches and players. The clinic is open to any/all entrants, limited only by age, grade and/or gender.
The clinic’s cost is $125 per player.
Check-in begins at 9:30 AM, and the clinic hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
For more information, contact Derose-Tallman at rederos@ilstu.edu.
Head to centralillinoissocceracademy.com to register!